Lessons in Murder Crossword Puzzle

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1 Mrs. ___rell

4 ___ in Murder

6 Tony was killed at Carter's ___.

9 She changed the color of her ___.

11 ___ was a religious nut.

13 Carol ___ton

14 Cassie Turn___

15 Black and ___ murder

20 Mr. ___tt, Industrial arts department

21 ___a Carter

22 Carol's son

23 ___ Pagett


2 ___ was head of the English department.

3 nail ___

4 She destroyed the ___, those nasty things.

5 Lynne Simp___

7 The murder weapon used on the Industrial Arts teacher was a ___.

8 Sir ___

10 ___ Quade

12 Jim ___igan was the head of the Industrial Arts Department.

14 baseball ___

16 Tony's body was found at the bottom of a ___.

17 "Syb's a ___ little bitch for you, isn't she?"

18 Queens___

19 ___weather High


1 Far - 2 Alan - 3 polish - 4 Lessons; letters - 5 son - 6 cave - 7 drill - 8 Richard - 9 nails - 10 Sybil - 11 Witcombe - 12 Mad - 13 Ash - 14 bull; bat - 15 Decker - 16 cliff - 17 randy - 18 land - 19 Bell - 20 Page - 21 Edwin - 22 David - 23 Bill